As you may already know, I am currently unemployed after having been laid off. Perhaps you’ve seen some of my creative efforts to market myself or read about my current role as a professional networker.
Anyone who has been unemployed and on the job hunt can attest to the fact that it can be a difficult and frustrating process. It is not always easy to stay motivated and energized while also maintaining a measured, even-keeled approach to the job search. However, as I’ve noted before in this space, I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how often new contacts established through social media and networking efforts have demonstrated an interest in my search and a willingness to help. This has led to an increasingly broadened network and many interesting meetings and conversations, but unfortunately very few tangible job opportunities.
It is not my nature to be self-promotional and shout from the rooftops about my skills and accomplishments. However, to compete in this marketplace, you must be direct and assertive. To that end, I have created a “Hire Dave Cutler” page to promote myself and aggregate information relevant to my candidacy for job opportunities.
I’ve been lucky enough to have colleagues, former teachers, new social media connections and others share the page, a few examples of which can be found below.!/chrisbrogan/status/91562040593879041!/srabe/status/91533936383111168!/markwschaefer/status/91906081021890560
I’d be grateful if you’d pay a visit to the page and share it with others (if you’re so inclined). As always, feedback and advice is welcome. What other creative job search methods have you seen? Please share.
Having been laid off twice for having the “wisdom” to spend almost a decade in Pennsylvania manufacturing (one job went to Mexico, one to California/Germany)…I can certainly identify with job hunting. On one of the occasions it was a full six months before I landed another position – the very week my UE benefits ran out. On another, I voluntered to work as a “consultant” in helping the company truly close down operations…which bought me time until the next role came along…again six months from the initial closing. You have been so proactive and “pay it forward” in your approach I know your next opportunity will be a great one!
Unfortunately, I think most folks have had similar experiences and can relate. Thanks for your support and encouragement.