In a recent blog post, I mentioned an interview between Chris Brogan and Joe Sorge, discussing the successful social media marketing efforts of Sorge’s restaurant (AJ Bombers). This was one installment in a series of Brogan’s Kitchen Table Talks. AJ Bombers was also used as a case study in Gary Vaynerhuk‘s book, The Thank You Economy. Even if you don’t purchase the book, the chapter on AJ Bombers is available for free here. I encourage you to take advantage of this quick read if you haven’t already done so.
I was presented with a number of case studies demonstrating social media marketing success in my Mini-MBA program at Rutgers and consume countless others on a daily basis through articles and blogs I’m reading. I find most of them to be interesting and educational although not many are as compelling as the monumental success achieved by Sorge with AJ Bombers. I am especially intrigued by what initially drives a business to employ social media as a medium for their marketing and how the business determines what methods to use.
To that end, I am launching what will hopefully become a regular feature on my blog. I am tentatively calling the series “Social Studies” as an homage to a class we all took as children. This will entail me conducting interviews with business owners and managers from different industries to learn more about their initial foray into social media. Later this week I will be posting the first installment in this series in which I chat with the owner of a local restaurant (how very Cutlery of me, no?).
I’m hoping these interviews will prove to be interesting and informative for me and my readers and provide a forum for businesses to showcase their efforts in the social media space.
If you have suggestions for a different name for the series or a business I should interview, please feel free to contact me.
great idea Dave.
can’t wait to see where it takes you.
Thanks, Joe! I appreciate the inspiration from you & Chris. I look forward to seeing where this goes as well.